SYSREQPASS=Your system meets or exceeds the merest requirements. The Grand Inquisitor wishes to commend you on your investment in technology.
FINISHMESSAGE1=The Grand Inquisitor and all of his minions compliment you on your successful installation of Zork Grand Inquisitor and remind all adventurers that tampering with a magic device or knowing someone who tampers with a magic device is strictly prohibited.
FINISHMESSAGE2=The Frobozz Electric Zork Grand Inquisitor Installer is a product of the Frobozz Electric Installer Company, patent 1278123. Frobozz Electric - "Reach Out and Totemize Someone!"
ERROR_MOVEDATA=An error occurred during the move data process : %d
TITLE_CAPTIONBAR=Zork Grand Inquisitor Demo Setup
DXWARNING=Zork Grand Inquisitor requires DirectX 3.0. If you do not have DirectX on your system, you will need to install it. DirectX is available from Microsoft and ships with many game products.
DESTPATHMESSAGE=The Grand Inquisitor demands that all Zork Grand Inquisitor players select an installation directory. Carefully make your selection, as failure to complete this step will result in Totemization.\n\nYou will need about 65 megs of free, uncompressed hard drive space to install the demo.
ERROR_VGARESOLUTION=This program requires VGA or better resolution.
WELCOMEMESSAGE1=Welcome to the Frobozz Electric Zork Grand Inquisitor Demo Installer.\n\nThis high-quality product of the Frobozz Electric Installer Company will perform miraculous technical feats as it prepares your computer for Zork Grand Inquisitor. Failure to complete this procedure will cause odd and somewhat discontenting events in the lives of you, your family, your friends and your pets.
SYSREQMESSAGE=Your computer has been scrutinized by the Frobozz Electric Computer Investigator, a product of the Frobozz Electric Computer Investigator Company.\n\nPatent 10101001 - Frobozz Electric - "We bring good things to ourselves."
WELCOMEMESSAGE2=Frobozz Electric Patent 1278123 - Frobozz Electric - "We are the boss of you."
UNINST_DISPLAY_NAME=Zork Grand Inquisitor Demo
SYSREQFAIL=The Grand Inquisitor is saddened by the fact that one or more of your computer components are not up to the requirements for Zork Grand Inquisitor. You will need to use a computer that matches the requirements in the documentation and on the box. (Oh yeah, you will be totemized!)
PRODUCT_NAME=Zork Grand Inquisitor Demo
ERROR_UNINSTSETUP=unInstaller setup failed to initialize. You may not be able to uninstall this product.